Billing Detail (BR00.2)

Use Billing Detail (BR00.2) to define and maintain billing information for an activity and account category combination, identify a mark-up percent, and select taxation.

Use this form to apply different types of rules based on the account category for different types of costs. Select the More button to use Additional Information (BR00.4) to specify tax rules or a service location for an account category.

Note: If you choose Time and Materials or Units of Production for your billing method, you must select a Billing Rates option of Table (T) or Resource (R) to tell the system where to look for the billing rate. If you select another billing method, leave the Billing Rates field blank.

More Information

Account categories inherit billing and revenue parameters from their parent summary account categories. These parameters can be overridden on this form, or by including the account category in a contract category group. Any billing and revenue parameters set up for the contract category group override the parameters that the member account categories inherit from their parent summary account categories.