Case Build (CX20.1)

Use Case Build (CX20.1) to define and inquire on a case. In addition, you can use this form to add and inquire on attachments (comments) assigned to case numbers and preference codes.

Attachments to case numbers are user-defined. Attachments to preference codes are meant to store the steps and other preferences specified by the practitioner for a procedure.

Before you add a case, make sure your system setup is complete. You must define the company, requesting location, one or more preference templates, practitioner IDs, procedures, and preference templates.

You select online allocation to create released item demand records when you release a case. Alternatively, you can select batch allocation. Online allocation occurs when you release a case. Batch allocation is started in the Lawson Warehouse application, by running Batch Allocation (WH110) after a case is released.

To view case details for a specific procedure, use the line selection feature in this form to select the procedure and transfer to Case Detail (CX20.2).

In the case detail, you can assign additional items, burdens, procedure costs, and other parameters.

After the release and item allocation of a case that includes inventory items, to ensure timely picking and delivery of items, run Pick List Print (WH130). The pick list shows the allocated quantity and the quantity to pick.

The program also creates a shipment for released demands created when you release a case. After running WH130 for inventory items, run Pick List Print

(CX100) to print a pick list showing items for a case and where they are to be picked. A feedback line for each item lets your staff write in the employee's initials and the quantity picked. If a case only includes noninventory items (that is, N, S, or X type items), you only must run CX100: none of the Warehouse programs apply. In addition, CX100 creates purchase order interface records if a Create PO field is set to Yes on any case items. After you run CX100, verify that your purchasing department runs PO Interface (PO100 so that purchase orders are processed promptly. For cases that include inventory items, run CX100, then use Shipping Feedback by Shipment (WH32.1). WH32.1 lets you ship more than what was originally entered on a line, merge shipments, and perform shipping feedback. To release case shipments, run Shipment Release (WH190) or WH32.1. Releasing a shipment reduces the available stock on hand in the Inventory Control system.

Shipment Release (WH190) sets the case status to Complete if all items were shipped successfully and CX100 has processed the case. If inaccurate inventory counts prevent an item from being fully shipped, warehouse personnel can backorder the item using Shipping Feedback by Shipment (WH32.1).

The item then will appear as backordered on Warehouse system reports and the line will be asterisked (*) on Case Detail (CX20.2). We would expect the warehouse personnel to notify the case supervisor if the case was "time-critical."