Benefit Election Form (BN245)

Run Benefit Election Form (BN245) to create benefit election or confirmation forms for employees.

Processing Effect

When run to update, BN245 creates CSV (Comma Separated Value) files that you can use to import benefits information into other products such as ReportSmith. Use jobdef and CSV file attributes to define output directories and file names for each CSV file created.

More Information

You can run BN245 to create forms showing an employee's benefit elections on a specific date, the plans for which an employee is eligible on a specific date, or both. For flex benefits, the form can show an employee's flex dollars and the benefits under a flex plan.

For each employee, BN245 lists basic information about the employee from HR11.1 (Employee), such as the employee's Social Security number, hire date, and so on.

To list an employee's benefits, use the Benefits Date field. The form shows the benefits the employee has elected on the Benefits Date, including the related coverage and contributions.

To list the plans for which an employee is eligible, use the Election Date field. For each plan, the form shows the coverage and contributions available to the employee. BN245 calculates an employee's eligibility based on the employee group and postal code criterion defined in BN15.1 (Benefit Plan) and the waiting periods defined in BN16.1 (Benefit Entry Rules).

For detailed information on the layouts of the CSV files created by BN245, see "CSV File Layouts" in the Benefits Administration User Guide.