Mass Benefit Add (BN101)

Run Mass Benefit Add (BN101) to print a list of the employees who are eligible for plans. BN101 produces three print files:

  • Mass Benefit Add Update
  • Eligibility Listing
  • Error Listing

When run to Update, BN101 adds eligible employees into default plans. Run BN101 at any time to enroll many employees into plans.

Processing Effect

BN101 enrolls employees into default plans with the applicable default coverage, default contribution, and default contribution tax type defined for each plan. BN101 can add the default investment account for employees who are automatically enrolled in defined contribution plans. If an employee has dependents, you can run BN101 to create dependent benefit coverage for default plans that cover dependents.

For a default plan with a service requirement measured in hours, BN101 reads each employee's pay history to determine when the employee has met the service requirement. BN101 enrolls employees who have met the service requirement.

More Information

For each benefit added for an employee, the report lists the following applicable items: start date, coverage option, multiple of salary, coverage amount, the annual employee contribution, whether the contribution is a percent or an amount, the employee's pre-tax and after-tax contribution, and the company contribution.