Payment Transfer (AR29.1)
Use Payment Transfer (AR29.1) to transfer a released payment from one customer to another customer. You can also reassign the payment to a different contract/contract activity or activity group.
If a payment has applications, you must delete or reverse all applications before transferring it.
If a payment is fully open (regardless of if it has never been applied to; or applications have been added, then deleted; or reversed) and you transfer the full amount of the payment, all the ARREMIT records should be transferred to the new payment/customer.
If a payment has been partially applied, and the entire remaining Open amount of the payment is to be transferred to a different customer/payment, transfer the status 0 and 1 ARREMIT records to the new payment/customer. Delete the status 0 and 1 ARREMIT records for the "From" payment.
If a payment has been partially applied, and a portion of the remaining Open amount is to be transferred to a new payment/customer, do the transfer of the payment, and copy all the ARREMIT records with a status of 0 or 1 to the new payment/customer. There will be a set of remit records for both the old & new payments. The user can edit the remits of either payment on AR21.4 and AR21.5) if needed at this point.
If a payment is fully open and a portion of the payment is transferred to a new payment/customer, copy all the ARREMIT records with a status of 0 or 1 to the new payment/customer ARREMIT record. There will be a set of remit records for both the old and new payments. The user can edit the remits of either payment on AR21.4 and AR21.5) if needed at this point.