Unrealized Gain Loss Report (AR196)
Run Unrealized Gain Loss Report (AR196) to calculate unrealized gains and losses for open, non-base currency transactions and create entries for posting to the general ledger.
Processing Effect
AR196 compares the currency exchange rate in effect at the time a non-base currency transaction was entered or created to the exchange rate in effect on the Revalue Date you define on this form. If a difference exists, AR196 creates an unrealized gain or loss record for the transaction. If the transaction is still open the next time you run this program, AR196 reverses the calculated unrealized gain or loss entries from the previous AR196 run and creates new entries.
Application Closing (AR190) creates a realized gain or loss general ledger transactions for non-base currency transactions to reflect the difference in the currency exchange rate in effect on the transaction date and on the payment date during cash application.