Dunning Letter Selection (AR140)

Run Dunning Letter Selection (AR140) to select customers for dunning letter notification (past due notices).

Processing Effect

AR140 checks all open invoice items, analyzes the due dates against the dunning letter control values on the customer records, and identifies all customers and invoices for which dunning letters need to be generated. Dunning letter control values are set on the Dunning - Advanced tab of Customer Defaults (AR08.1) or Customer (AR10.1).

AR 140 also produces a detailed report detailing for each customer the last and next dunning level, all transactions selected for dunning, and all transactions late for payment but not selected for dunning

AR140 increments the Last Dunning Letter Cycle ID by 1. After you have analyzed and modified the output from AR140 to your satisfaction, run to produce a print file for the dunning letters. The print file contains all the letters included in the last cycle ID. You have the option of two formats: a regular print file you can print from your Lawson server, or a comma-separated values (CSV)-formatted file.