Invoice Interface (AP520)
Run Invoice Interface (AP520) to import invoice, split invoice payment, and general ledger distribution information from a non-Lawson system to the Accounts Payable application.
You must set up the following codes and information as valid records if this information is to be converted as part of the invoice, split invoice payment, or distribution records: cash codes, payment codes, accrual codes, distribution codes, hold codes, diversity codes, vendor location codes, currency codes, tax codes, activities, and asset information.
Process at a Glance
Load external invoice data into the appropriate interface files.
Use this form to interface invoice information from a non-Lawson system.
List invoices with errors using Invoice Errors (AP52.6).
Correct records that did not interface using Invoice Interface (AP52.1), Multiple Payment Interface (AP52.2), or Distribution Interface (AP52.3).
Run AP520 again to interface corrected records. The application will not let you reprocess the interface until you correct the invoice errors.
Processing Effect
You load external invoice data through specified input files. For a list of these files, see the Accounts Payable User Guide.
If your Accounts Payable application is set up to check payment status on invoices, after release an Accounts Payable API is run to verify if activity requires payment information.
More Information
Indicate which company you want to interface invoices information for and the sort order for the resulting report.
You must select a batch number or an authority code if you are interfacing or converting unreleased invoices. The batch number or authority code is optional when interfacing or converting released (open) or historical invoice, split invoice payment, and distribution records.
You can use Invoice Interface (AP52) to add invoice, payment, and distribution information to the invoice, distribution, and payment conversion files or to maintain information already loaded into these files before you run this form. After the appropriate invoice, payment, and distribution information has been loaded into the conversion files, you can run this form to edit the information for completeness and accuracy, create new invoice, payment, and distribution records in the Accounts Payable application, and purge the corresponding records from the conversion files.
Note that you must set up the following codes and information as valid records if this information is to be converted as part of the invoice, split invoice payment, or distribution records: cash codes, payment codes, accrual codes, distribution codes, hold codes, vendor location codes, currency codes, tax codes, activities, and asset information.
You can maintain unreleased invoice records on Invoice Entry (AP20.1) and released (open) invoice records on Invoice Maintenance (AP30.1) after you convert them.