Invoice Maintenance (AP30.1)

Use Invoice Maintenance (AP30.1) to maintain released invoices. Only invoices that have not been paid display on this form.

If an invoice is not in balance, an out-of-balance indicator displays in the "OB" field. The type of indicator displayed is determined by the type of out-of-balance condition that exists.

"D" (Distributions) displays if the total invoice distribution amount does not equal the invoice amount.

"P" (Payments) displays if the total payment amount scheduled for the invoice does not equal the total invoice amount.

"T" (Tax) displays if the total invoice tax distribution amount does not equal the invoice tax amount.


An asterisk (*) displays if more than one out-of-balance condition exists. Use Distribution Adjustments (AP30.2) to correct distribution errors. Use Payment Schedule Adjustment (AP30.3) to correct an invoice payment schedule. To select an invoice for transfer to another form, select the "X" (Select) line action and transfer to another form.