Taxed Invoice (AP20.2)
Use Taxed Invoice (AP20.2) to enter and maintain unreleased invoices, debit memos, credit memos, and one-time vendor invoices that contain tax distributions. You can also use this form to enter an add-on charge (AOC) only invoice for multiple purchase orders. Many fields on this form display the default values assigned to the vendor or location at the company, vendor, pay group, vendor class, or vendor group level, or assigned to the location at a vendor group level. You can override these default values on this form and on associated subforms.
To enter and match invoices, use the Add form action to add an invoice with the appropriate matching detail information. Then, process the match with a form action of Match as a separate step. You can also add and attempt the match in one step using the Match form action.
On the bottom of the AP20.2 form, enter optional distribution information for the invoice. This information includes: distribution company, accounting unit, account, subaccount, distribution amount, activity, and account category.
To create linked tax distributions, define the distribution line as taxable (T). To indicate the distribution is tax exempt, define the line as Exempt (E). The Accounts Payable Tax Exempt Transaction Report (AP272) lists exempt transactions.
Leave the Tax Ind field blank to indicate that no linkage is required.
To automatically calculate tax amounts and create tax distribution lines, assign a tax code to the invoice. You can select a Tax Adj option to override or ignore information on the purchase order. Otherwise, enter tax amounts and tax distributions lines.
On the Prorate tab, you can prorate a tax code proportionally to several, separate distribution lines. Use this functionality when you need to distribute invoice records for a single good that is used in multiple tax distribution records, with multiple tax codes assigned to each record.
The location in the Ship To field on he Misc page is sent to Vertex to define the geo code (tax jurisdiction) to identify tax rates. The tax rates are displayed in the Tax Code field. If the Ship To field is blank, city, state, county, and postal code values from the vendor or vendor location are used.
On the Rebate tab, you can enter information on an AP invoice header. A rebate credit memo can contain multiple rebate types for multiple due dates. Each rebate type may be posted to several different GL accounts. Rebate information can be added at the distribution level. The rebate information entered at the header level will default to each of the distribution lines. The CM contract, rebate type, and rebate due date can be overriden in AP22.4 (Distribution Options form accessed from AP20.2) and AP22.5 (Distribution Oprtions accessed from AP20.1).
Click any View button, to view all tax distributions calculated for a specific goods line. Landed cost of tax references and line total amounts, including the landed tax amounts for that goods line are also displayed.
Processing Effect
If you enter the invoice amount, tax amount and tax code, where invoice amount equals tax amount, the application defines this as a tax only invoice. You can define each distribution line as taxable or exempt. The application will calculate the taxable amount if the Taxable Amount Edit field on TX00.1 is set to Yes.
To add distributions to an existing invoice with rebates, change the defaulting rebate information at the header level before adding the distributions. This may eliminate the need to ovveride the default rebate information on the new distributions through AP22.4 or AP22.5.