AC to GL Budget Interface (AC527)

Use AC to GL Budget Interface (AC257) to interface activity budget information between and General Ledger. This program moves the budget detail from into the GL interface file, and then standard GL budget processes incorporate the interfaced budget detail. AC to GL Budget Interface (AC257) maps the posting activity in AC to the appropriate GL company and accounting unit either by using the default company and accounting unit for that activity, or by using an organization code set up on Organization Relationship (GL08.1) and an account code set upon Account Relationship (GL09.1).

AC to GL Budget Interface (AC257) can be used with posting activity level budgets only. Activity and life only budgets are not interfaced using this program.

Use the Activity tab to specify the activity, activity group, or activity list and account category combination for the budget(s) you want to interface.

Use the Budget Options tab to set up specific interface options, such as period mapping and budget year adjustments.