Level Reorganization (AC120)

Run Level Reorganization (AC120) to reorganize activity group or activity level structures and to update new level addresses. This program lets you update your activity group and activity level structures to account for responsibility changes and corporate or project reorganizations.

Activities are reorganized based on the selections made on Mass Activity Move (AC10.5), or on the Levels tab on Activity (AC10.1), where you identify that you want to move a specific activity to an activity group or summary activity.

Note: Run Billing and Revenue Backout (BR140) before running Level Reorganization (AC120) to cancel billing and reverse revenue for the previous activity level structure.

Processing Effect

AC120 processes level structure changes that have already been defined. You can define single activity structure changes by defining a new level address on the Levels tab in AC10.1 (Activity). You can define multiple activity structure changes using AC10.5 (Mass Activity Move).

The changes are not processed until you run this program with the Update Unprocessed Changes report option.