Creating an endpoint

From a Landmark command prompt, type

secadm -p sec_adm_pwd httpendpoint add fqdn http-port https-port ssodomain


Option IRC Field Names Description
fqdn FQDN

Enter a fully qualified domain name for the server for the endpoint.

For example, might be the name of an internal web server in the lawson domain that an endpoint is for.

http-port HTTP Port

Enter the HTTP port number of the endpoint.

Use -1 if the HTTP port does not exist.

https-port HTTPS Port

Enter the HTTPS port number of the endpoint.

Use -1 if the HTTPS port does not exist.

ssodomain SSO Domain Enter the name of the new SSO domain that you created in the previous procedure, for example, LDAPBIND_DOMAIN_LMRK.
Note: Infor uses a value of -1 to represent the port number when there is no defined port for the specified HTTP or HTTPS protocol.