Create a Claim-Based Login Scheme for Infor OS or Infor Local Technology Runtime as STS

A claims-based login scheme is required for Infor OS or Infor Local Technology Runtime as STS.

This procedure describes how to create a claims-based login scheme.

  1. From the tool you use to access Landmark administration tools, such as Admin Console, open the Security System Management application and select Login Scheme.
  2. From the next screen that appears, click New > Create.
  3. From the next screen that appears, specify the following:
    • Name: Type a name for the scheme. This should be something that will make its purpose obvious when you need to select it for a service. For example, "CLAIMS_BASED_GENERAL" would be a good name for a claims-based login scheme that will be used for all or most claims-based services.

    • Description: Type some details about the purpose of this login scheme.

    • Scheme Type: For claims-based schemes, select "Web Username and Password Login."

  4. On the Login Procedure tab, select "Claim Based" for the Login Procedure field and then enable the Ignore Identity Case flag.
  5. Click Save when you are finished.

    This login scheme is now available to be selected when you are creating or updating authentication services.