Edit the SSOP service to include the Kerberos login scheme

  1. Add the information shown in bold below to your exported SSOP service.

    Be sure to update with your KERBEROS_REALM_NAME.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
    <BATCH_LOAD FORMAT="Opaque" OVERRIDE="true">
            <LoginProcedure>Form based</LoginProcedure>
            <LOGINSCHEME NAME="Form">
                            <PROTOASSERT>Use HTTP only</PROTOASSERT>
                            <PRIMARYTARGETLOOKUP>Use Kerberos</PRIMARYTARGETLOOKUP>
  2. Save the file with the new name override.xml.
  3. Import the override.xml file. From the command line, type:

    ssoconfig -l <password> override.xml


    l is a lower case L

    <password> is the password for the ssoconfig utility.