Importing updated schema using the ldifgen utility

When you have made the schema changes that you want to make, you must import the updated schema to your LDAP using the Infor ldifgen utility and LDAP native tools.

Note: This procedure should be performed by an LDAP administrator who is familiar with the ldifgen utility. More details, including examples of commands using native LDAP tools, are available in the Infor Xtreme Documentation site and in the help system. (Search for the topic "Running the ldifgen utility.")
  1. Generate an LDIF file. At the command line, type

    ldifgen updateschema -D binddn -H URI -h host -p port -w LDAPpasswd -f outputfile -r reorgfile [-vZ]

  2. Import the LDIF file that resulted from step 1 using the correct command for the LDAP you use.
    See the information about Updating LDAP schema in the Infor Lawson Core Technology Installation Guide.