Configure service properties for the SSOP service with Infor OS or Infor Local Technology Runtime as STS

Service properties for the signing certificate that you loaded in the previous procedure must be added to the SSOP service.

If you are migrating to Infor OS or Infor Local Technology Runtime as STS authentication from AD FS, review your configuration before performing these steps. Some of them have already been performed.

  1. From the main menu of ssoconfig, choose Manage Lawson Services->Manage Service Properties.
  2. From the next menu that appears select "Add new service property."
  3. At the prompt for service name, type


  4. At the prompt for Property Name which is followed by a prompt for Value, supply the names and values shown in the table. Be sure to type them exactly as shown in the table. (Repeat the ssoconfig steps until all Property Names and Values have been added.)
    Property Name Value
    DomainControllerFQDN Supply the domain name for your installation in the format
    IsDelegated true
    DelegatedService INFORSTS_LSF
    TimeoutRedirectDisable true
    ServiceProviderEntityId https://<lsf_web_server_host_name>:<https_port>/sso/SSOServlet