Configure Service Properties for the AD FS Service
Follow the tasks in this section to create service properties for the AD FS service.
From a command line on the LSF service, launch the ssoconfig utility. Type
ssoconfig -c
- If prompted for the security utilities password, type it.
- From the main menu of ssoconfig, choose Manage Lawson Services->Manage Service Properties.
- From the next menu that appears select "Add new service property."
At the prompt for service name, type the name of the AD FS service you
created, for example
At the prompt for Property Name which is followed by a prompt for Value, supply the names and values shown in the table. Be sure to type them exactly as shown in the table. (Repeat the ssoconfig steps until all Property Names and Values have been added.)
Note: In the Value column, in fields that contain the string starting with "ctl00...", the third character is an "l" (lowercase L), not a numeral.
Property Name Value SSOProtocol WS-Federation ActionField ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$SubmitButton
UserNameField ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$UsernameTextBox
PasswordField ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$PasswordTextBox
ActionFieldValue Sign In
Precede the next three values with " __
", two underscore characters.DbField __db
EventValidationField __EVENTVALIDATION
ViewStateField __VIEWSTATE
DomainControllerFQDN Supply the domain name for your installation in the format