Load the template file

  1. Make sure the folder that you want to copy the template fille to exists. The load command does not create a folder.
  2. Log in to the server as the user who owns the ADAM instance.
  3. From an LSF command prompt, submit the following command, substituting your values for the variables shown after the command syntax:

    ldifde -b user DomainName * -s FQDN_LDAP_host -t LDAP_port -i -f loginscheme.ldif -j ourOutputFileLocation\Name –v


    • User is the name of the user that owns the ADAM instance

    • DomainName is your LSF domain

    • FQDN_LDAP_host is the fully qualified name of the LDAP host. If your your LSF server is local, the host is the LSF server.

    • LDAP_port is your LDAP port number

    • YourOutputFileLocation\Name is the location and file name you want to use for output file. It can be folder location that already exists. For example, c:\temp\ldap

    Example command:

    ldifde -b lawson inforbc * -s inforbcls01.inforbc.com -t 40000 -i -f loginscheme.ldif -j C:\temp\ldap –v

    Sample Output:

    Connecting to "savage"
    Logging in as "ldap" in domain "savage" using SSPI
    Importing directory from file "schema.ldif"
    Loading entries.
    1 entry modified successfully.