URL for Landmark

  1. If the environment on which you are about to perform this step has been unfederated and previously used ADFS for authentication, you must clear services cache now. This ensures that the correct metadata is retrieved for the secondary environment. Enabling the Server Cache Analyzer on Landmark
  2. Execute the following URL using the Chrome browser. The URL is case-sensitive:

    Where <YourLMRKSystem> is the FQDN of your Landmark server.

  3. From the XML output that appears, locate the following pieces of data:
    • md:EntityDescriptor
    • entityID

    For example:

    <md:EntityDescriptor xmlns:md="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:metadata" entityID="https://LMRK11.sts.com:443/SSO/SSOServlet">
    In the example, there is a space between metadata and entityID:
    ...metadata" entityID...