Enabling logging for ION BOD user provisioning

Use this procedure to enable ION BOD user provisioning logging. When the configuration described here is completed, ION BOD user provisioning is logged in these files.

On Landmark: LASYSDIR/system/SecurityBODProvisioning.log

On LSF: LAWDIR/system/SecurityBODProvisioning.log

  1. Open the following file for editing: LASYSDIR/system/SecurityLoggerConfiguration.xml
    • For Landmark: LASYSDIR/system/SecurityLoggerConfiguration.xml
    • For LSF: LAWDIR/system/SecurityLoggerConfiguration.xml
  2. Locate the <filter> section of the file and add the following parameter. Type it exactly as shown here.
    <filter name="SecurityBODProvisioningFilter" 
    classname="com.lawson.common.util.logging.SimpleMessageFilter" enabled="true" 
        <Parameter value="loglevel=10"/> 
        <Parameter value="tracelevel=10"/> 
  3. Locate the <publisher> section of the file and add the following parameter. Type it exactly as shown here.
    <publisher name="SecurityBODProvisioningMessagePool" enabled="true" 
       <Parameter value="publisher=SecurityBODProvisioningLogFileOut"/> 
       <Parameter value="delay=10000"/> 
    <publisher name="SecurityBODProvisioningLogFileOut" enabled="true" 
       <Parameter value="file=security_bod_provisioning.log"/> 
  4. Locate the <consumer> section of the file and add the following parameter. Type it exactly as shown here.
    <consumer name="SecurityBODProvisioningConsumer" enabled="true" 
         <filter name="SecurityBODProvisioningFilter"/> 
         <formatter name="LogMessageFormatter"/> 
  5. Locate the <producer> section of the file and add the following parameter. Type it exactly as shown here.
    <produer name="SecurityBODProvisioningLogger" enabled="true" 
     classname="com.lawson.security.common.logging.SecurityMessageProducer" enabled="true">
           <consumer name="SecurityBODProvisioningConsumer"/> 
  6. When you are finished making updates to LASYSDIR/system/SecurityLoggerConfiguration.xml, save and close the file.