Federate a system

This procedure ensures that ISS is aware of a system before you perform a synchronization between two systems.

Note: Perform this procedure one time only. After two systems are federated, you must perform all user maintenance using the ISS console. This includes adding, modifying or disabling users.

User administrators should no longer use any other user maintenance tool. This includes the Security Administrator tool (LSA), Infor Rich Client, the Landmark Web UI, or the command-line tools ssoconfig and secadm).

If you configure the Secure Web method for connection, you will be prompted to log remotely into Landmark. You must know the login credentials of a valid Landmark actor to be used for this login.

  1. From the main security administration dashboard, click

    Federation->Register System.


    Federation->Federated Systems and then click the Federate New System icon (top-left of screen).

  2. Populate the following fields:
    • System type, select the system you want to register, LSF or LANDMARK.

    • Connection type: Options are:

      • Socket: Most systems will use this type of connection.

      • Secure Web: This type of connection is used only in a hybrid installation (Cloud and on-premise) when a second Landmark server is being used as the multi-tenant instance of that runs in the Cloud. The Landmark server for the Cloud is configured as Secure Web.

    1. If you selected Socket you will be prompted for:
      • Host: The fully qualified name of the Landmark server (for example, LMRK1.MyDomain.com)

      • System name: Type the name that you want to use to refer to the system, for example, LMRK-TEST

      • Lase port: The security server port for Landmark

      • Lase SSL port: The SSL port for Landmark

    2. If you selected Secure Web, you must log into the Landmark server that you want to register using a valid actor ID. After the login completes, you will be prompted for:
      • Host: The fully qualified name of the Landmark server (for example, LMRK1.MyDomain.com)

      • System name: Type the name that you want to use to refer to the system, for example, LMRK-TEST

      • Secure Web Port: The HTTPS port of the Landmark web server

  3. Click Register.

    When the federation process completes, you will be on a list that shows all federated systems.

    A prompt appears to remind you that you should have performed a backup of your system before beginning this process. You can cancel the federation or click OK to continue.