Adding and activating a rule file
- Log in to ISS as an administrator.
- From the ISS home page, click Services>Manage Domains.
- Click the Edit pencil icon next to the domain that you created for external log-ins.
From the Rules tab (left side of page), click the New rule icon. This is the + symbol above the KEY row name.
When the options on the right side of the page appear, populate the following fields:
Application Name: Select the name of the environment, for example, LSF.
Data Source: Select the Data area for the environment.
Ruleset: Type the name of the rule file (without the .xml extension).
Note: The Domain Name should already be visible.
Click Add (+ symbol) and then click the "Create new rule" button.
You should see a message that the rule file was added successfully. You are now ready to activate the new rule file.
Verify that the rule file you created for this domain is inactive. The ACTIVE column should display "Inactive."
Click the checkmark icon (right of the datasource name) to activate. The ACTIVE column changes to "Active."