LADBDIR is the location where Lawson stores data area-specific information data.
Directories and subdirectories under LADBDIR | Description of contents |
/GEN | Data files for the GEN product line. |
/LOGAN | Data files for the LOGAN product line. |
reorg.cntl, reorg.hist Database files for the product line; both the data and index files are stored here by default. |
reorg.cntl, reorg.hist Database files for the data area; both the data and index files are stored here by default. |
/dict |
GEN (+GEN, =GEN) LOGAN (+LOGAN, =LOGAN DATAAREA (+DATAAREA, =DATAAREA PRODUCTLINE (+PRODUCTLNE, =PRODUCTLINE Data dictionaries for each product line and data area. The name of the data area is the name of the product line in uppercase. +, = or no symbol indicate current state of the dictionary. |
/sec |
DATAAREA (+DATAAREA, =DATAAREA PRODUCTLINE (+PRODUCTLNE, =PRODUCTLINE Security dictionaries for each product line and data area. |