How Users Interact with Lawson Portal
This section describes the basic interactions that customers perform to run and configure Lawson Portal. Additional details are in the documents Getting Started with Lawson Portal (for end-users) and Lawson Administration: Lawson Portal for administrators.
Lawson Portal Installation and Deployment
Most Lawson Portal components are installed on the web server which communicates via HTTP to the Lawson Server. A small set of customer-configurable files reside on the Lawson Server (under the /LAWDIR/persistData/data directory structure).
Lawson Portal End-Users
End-users log into and interact with Lawson Portal via browsers on their client machines. They navigate via bookmarks they or their administrators have set up or by performing searches.
A Lawson Portal home page contains the data (links to forms, a company intranet page, or other information as defined locally) that a user sees initially. When the user navigates off the home page, the new data appears in the Lawson Portal content window.
Lawson Portal Administration
Lawson Portal administration is through a graphical interface, accessible via a set of bookmarks that appear in the screens of users whose security profiles include the "PortalAdmin" attribute. (Some configuration can also be performed via an XML-based configuration file.) Command line administration is not necessary.
Some Lawson administrative utilities (dbdef, tokendef and so on) require command line access. Command line access to Lawson is available through Lawson Interface Desktop (LID).
For more information, see Lawson Administration: Lawson Portal and Lawson Administration: Server Setup and Maintenance.