What Can You Do with OLE DB Object Services?
OLE DB Object Services makes all Lawson ERP data available to Lawson customer-developers so that they can apply the data to other applications while ensuring that Lawson security and business rules will be maintained for each data element.
Following are typical examples of applications that customers might want to create:
Build custom user interfaces that use Visual Basic® and Active Data Object (ADO) Data Control and Data Bound Controls. As you'll see later in this manual, applications of this kind can be created quickly and with a small amount of code.
Create reports of Lawson ERP application data that use generalized report writers such as Business Objects Crystal Reports® or the Microsoft® Visual Basic Data Report facility.
Export and import information to and from other software systems. For example, you could retrieve information from the Lawson Human Resources application, import it to Microsoft Access, perform transformations of the data, and then import it back to the Lawson ERP system.
Perform heterogeneous queries to manipulate information. For example, Microsoft SQL Server can be used to combine information from the Lawson ERP system with another source of information, which is also OLE DB compatible, to provide a seamless view of both sources of information.