Enabling database change logging

  1. Create a directives file with the following content:

    D SourceDataArea

    F FileName LogChanges=N|Y|U|A

    where the following parameters apply.

    This parameter Indicates
    SourceDataArea The data area that you want to log changes for.
    FileName The file in SourceDataArea that you want to log changes for.

    LogChanges=N (No logging)

    — or —

    LogChanges=Y (Per file logging)

    — or —

    LogChanges=U (Upgrade logging)

    — or —

    LogChanges=A (Both Resource Management and Upgrade logging)

    Logging is disabled when N is entered for the LogChanges parameter.

    Logging is enabled when Y, U, or A is entered for the LogChanges parameter.

    • Y indicates that logging triggers are activated for the file in question. It is written to the file RMLOG (defined under the LA system code).

    • U indicates that logging triggers are activated for the file in question. It is written to the UGZLOG file, defined under the UG system code.

    • A indicates that logging triggers are activated for the file in question. It is written to the RMLOG and UGZLOG files.

  2. Run the editda utility. Type:

    editda -c SourceDataArea DirectivesFile

  3. Rebuild the dictionary. Type:

    blddbdict -p SourceDataArea

  4. Reorganize the database. Type:

    dbreorg -p SourceDataArea