Installing Cygwin
Download the latest version of Cygwin and save it to a temporary
See to download.
Run setup.exe. Ensure that these are included:
All packages under the Base category
sharutils under Archive category
bc under Math category
dos2unix under Text category
util-linux under Utils category
<CygwinRoot> represents Cygwin's installation directory -
After the installation, remove or rename perl.exe that came with Cygwin.
Remove or rename uname.exe that came with
Add these system environment variables. Ensure that these environment
variables are available to all running processes.
CYGWIN=nodosfilewarning noenvcache
Specify the <CygwinRoot>/etc/fstab file and change the first line to:
none /cygdrive cygdrive binary,posix=0,user,noacl 0 0
Then, add this information at the end of the line:
<LSFRoot> <LSFRoot without the drive letter> ntfs noacl,posix=0,nouser
D:/lsf1001 /lsf1001 ntfs noacl,posix=0,nouser
Note: When you create a mount point on fstab and the directory folder is two or more levels from the root folder, the mount point is not going to take effect unless an equivalent directory structure is created in <CygwinRoot>.-
The syntax of fstab entry structure:
<native Windows path> /<mount point> <filesystem type> <mount options>
C:/level1_folder/level2_folder /level1_folder/level2_folder ntfs noacl,posix=0,nouser
Create equivalent directory under <CygwinRoot>: