User access setup for LSR File Manager

To access the LSF Server and work on LSR related files, set up the access rights according to the user profile.

Note: Ensure that your login credentials are LDAP authenticated to log in to LSR File Manager.

These are the Access Rights or Tokens:

  • Create Directory

  • File Listing

  • File Deletion

  • File Get

  • File Save

You must set the rules for the user through Infor Lawson System Administrator. In IOS Web Services, these are the available configurations for LSR:

Configuration Definition
lsr_f_get Select this configuration to enable the user to download files.
lsr_f_list Select this configuration to enable the user to view files.
lsr_c_dir Select this configuration to enable the user to create folders.
lsr_f_save Select this configuration to enable the user to save or upload files.
lsr_f_del Select this configuration to enable the user to delete files.

You must also ensure that the Security is turned on and that the Security Profiles must be created for the product lines.