Other view options
To view and change the results list on your screen
The following options are available for viewing and changing query results lists:
When a list contains more than 50 results, Previous and Next options are available for scrolling.
When the list displays across multiple "pages" (screen loads), use the Page option to select the page you want to view.
If your results list is long, you can click Hide Query to close the query dialog box and fill the entire screen with the results list.
To save the query results
If you plan to run this query again, from the File menu, click Save View. You will be prompted for a Save to location. This location can be anywhere you want it to be on your local machine. If you used Advanced query options for the view, you will be prompted to include the advanced options. If you select No, the query will include only basic options.
To reuse a saved query
From the File menu, click Open and then locate the saved view.
When the view is open in the query window, you can make changes later choose to save the changes.