Configuring Infor Lawson Add-ins for Microsoft Office
Use this procedure to adjust several parameters that affect the processing of transactions started by users of Infor Lawson Add-ins for Microsoft Office. The purpose of these parameters is to mitigate any overloading of the Infor Lawson System Foundation server due to too many and too frequent requests from Infor Lawson Add-ins for Microsoft Office.
System administrators should communicate to the Infor Lawson Add-ins for Microsoft Office users the purpose of these parameters. In general, whenever possible, the users should use existing batch programs rather than Infor Lawson Add-ins for Microsoft Office, and users should not use Infor Lawson Add-ins for Microsoft Office to submit large numbers of transactions (that is, they should submit fewer than 500 at a time). As an administrator, be aware that if you raise the limit for the maximum number of data rows, if you lower the idle time between either different batches of transactions being processed or single data rows being processed, or if you allow multi-threading, you may cause the overall system performance to degrade.