System administrator jobs security access needs
Typically, it is up to a Lawson system administrator to perform general, day-to-day administrative duties related to jobs and reports. They must also perform some specialized tasks from time to time.
Following are the jobs and reports related tasks that system administrators typically need to perform:
Manage all jobs (on all queues) for all users.
Delete job history.
Set up recurring jobs
Set up multi-step jobs
Killing a running job
Killing a needs-recovery job
The ability to perform all of these tasks is included in the Lawson-delivered role, BatchRole. Depending on your situation, you might want to write some custom rules for system administrators.
Custom rules for system administrators
Here is an example custom rule: Suppose you wanted to assign administrators to queues. You might have a job queue for HR reports and a job queue for company financial reports. You could create two queues, HRQ and FinQ, and two roles, HRJobsAdmin and FinJobsAdmin. The security classes for each would be very similar to the Lawson-delivered BatchRole, except that you would assign only the specific job queue that the administrator needs