What Are Views?
Views are the results of queries that you perform when you need to locate resources. When you, for example, need to make an update to the entry for a resource (or group of resources), you create a view. You do this by running the RM query builder tool. The list of resources that appears in your screen after you execute the query is the view.
You can save a view for reuse later. The saved view will include the query itself as well as the results list. When you rerun a saved view, you can change the query so that the results will also change.
Query results lists are governed by any underlying LDAP rules that apply. For example, some LDAP servers limit results lists to a specific number records (perhaps 500 or 1,000). Because you are locating resources in order to perform an action such as an update on them, gathering more than a thousand records is most likely not practical. Following are some strategies you could use for locating resources.
Basic and advanced queries
There are two types of queries, Basic and Advanced. You use a basic query to locate users when you know the last name of the user. A basic query is appropriate when you want to locate just a few records. If you need to locate a large number of users or other objects, or, if you are searching based on a common attribute, perform an Advanced query.
If you are searching for users, you can run a basic query on Last Name, First Name or both. If you are searching for other types of objects, you can search on Description.
Depending on which interface you are using, the Lawson Security Administrator or the Resource Management Administrator, your screen might look slightly different. These differences are noted in the instructions for creating queries that follow.