Creating Roles
In Lawson Security, a role is a container for the security a user needs in order to perform a particular job or function. For example, suppose you are a company of 25 employees, ten of whom are telephone sales representatives. Suppose further that all ten telephone sales reps need the same access rights on the Lawson system. Instead of assigning security classes to those ten employees, you create a role called "Telephone Sales Rep." Then, when you create rules and assign security classes, you assign them to a role, not a user. The role is, in turn, assigned to a user.
When to do it
Most customers perform the analysis in the implementation phase. Creating roles is an early step in setup process. Roles must exist before you can assign users to them.
How to do it
You do this by analyzing the jobs that users perform, typically, in conjunction with your Lawson consultants. Because it will assist you in determining the rules and classes that you will create, this analysis should be performed very early in your implementation process.
Creating a role is simple. Log into the Resource Management Administrator and type a name and description to create the new role.
Link security classes to roles when you create the classes. Link users to roles when you add users.