Step 3: Import the dump file using lsload

Users who do not exist on the target system will be written to an XML file that is formatted for use with the loadusers utility. This file is created in the directory in which you run the command.

If user entries already exist on the target system, the data for First Name, Last Name and Role will be overwritten. (Use the loadusers utility to populate or update other attributes, if necessary.)

lsload syntax

The -d defProd option used in this example lets you override the definition data source and assign the appropriate data source on the target system. (You can also do this through the Lawson Security Administrator tool.)

The -a activeDataSrc option lets you automatically assign the new profile to the product line. (If the profile already exists on the target system and has a different data source assigned to it, the command will overwrite with the name from the dump file.) The command also locates and changes any data source rules in the target profile to reference the target product line.

To load a security profile onto the target system:

lsload PROFILE filename -p newProfileID -d defProd -a activeDataSrc -addRoleMapping


filename = the name of the dump file to be read

newprofileID = the name of the profile on the target system

defProd = the name of the product line that will be associated with this profile on the target system

activeDataSrc = the data source on the target system.

To load security classes with role mapping:

lsload SECCLASS filename -p ProfileID -addRoleMapping


filename = the name of the dump file to be read

newprofileID = the name of the profile that contains the security classes