Lawson Security Reports
Lawson Security provides a set of reports to help security administrators view security events and configuration. These reports can be used for auditing and troubleshooting purposes. Following is some high-level information about security reports:
You use the Lawson Security Administrator to create report definitions. (From the Administrator main menu, select Reports and then select Report Maintenance.)
All security reports run in background so the security administrator is not tied up during report processing.
Either HTML, PDF, or CSV output is available. You select output type at runtime.
The Report Maintenance console lets you view progress of generating reports and manage both definition and output files.
This document makes a distinction between report definitions and generated reports. Report definitions are the queries, or criteria statements, that you create. The queries determine how data will be selected for a report. Generated reports are the actual output.
The sections that follow describe the reports themselves and how to work with the Report Maintenance console.