Defining form attachments

This section describes attachments that can be added to application records.

Defining comments

A comment is external information that you can attach to a record.

You can use the comments feature to add comments to comment types that have been predefined for the application form you are using. Within each comment type, you can have up to 50 individual comments. Each comment type is a category that contains a set of comments that are similar in content or purpose. Each predefined comment type contains unique information in the header area of the comment form. You can use the Description field in the lower half of the comment form to add notes or other information that lets you add more definitive meaning to data in the field.

Defining URL Attachments

A URL can also be attached to a record.

You can use the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) feature to attach email and Internet URLs to a record and access them from an associated field. For example, you might want to store URLs for individual vendors and access the URLs from the Vendor field. This would be useful for initiating electronic communications if you find it necessary to communicate with a vendor using email or if you are required to access another vendor's World Wide Web site.