Defining Multiple-Step Job

A multiple-step job is a run of batch programs (or steps) organized under a single run request.

Multiple-step jobs save you time and effort. They are especially useful for daily or weekly tasks that require you to distribute data to many users.

When you run a multiple-step job, each step in the job is submitted and run in order. If there is a problem with an early step, subsequent steps that might depend on data in the failed step are not run.

You can use multiple-step jobs to group similar functions. For example, suppose you have a set of reports that are dependent on each other, that is, you do not want Report B to run unless Report A is successful. These are resource-heavy reports and, to make the most effective of your system, you want to run them in the evening when no users are on the system—but also when no system administrators are available to check on the job.

Here's an example:

  • Step 1 of your job is an Employee Listing for ABC Company

  • Step 2 is a Chart of Accounts for Company DEF

  • Step 3 is an open invoice listing for Company XYZ.

Step 2 is not going to run unless step 1 is successful and so on.

The fact that system administrators are not on site to check the job status is not a problem in this situation. The job is not going to finish if a step is not successful.

Job Definition form

The Multi-Step Job Definition form is for defining jobs of all types. However, users who run ordinary (single-step) jobs are not required to use the Lawson Multi-Step Job Definition utility to perform their jobs. This is because reports and update jobs can be run directly from the parameter screen. When you run multiple-step jobs, you must use Job Definition. The utility is simple to use, and the form is similar to parameter screens and Job Schedule forms you use when running single-step jobs.

When you set up a multiple-step job, you must know the alpha-numeric form ID. See your Lawson Administration Guide or your system administrator if you are not sure of the form IDs of the forms you are running.

Each step in a multiple-step job requires a description, the form ID is the default, and must have a specified data area. Parameters are only active for a step when you have done an inquire or add for the form and the job has been accepted.

A step can run the same program as a preceding step by using different batch parameters.

You can have virtually as many steps as you want in a multiple-step job. There is a maximum number, but it is more than 32,000—more steps than would be practical for a job.