Navigation and main content
As a user you have some ability to determine what appears in your workspace through the Manage Subscriptions feature.
Your system administrator gives you access to information (forms, reports and so on) so that you can work with them in Lawson Portal. You are said to "subscribe" to this information. Most users do not use all the information to which they are subscribed every day. For the lesser-used information, performing searches as required is a good way to find it. For information that you use frequently, you can use the Manage Subscriptions feature.
Navigation means links to Lawson items that you want quick access to because you use them frequently. The links to the items shows on the Lawson Portal toolbar as Bookmarks.
Main content means specific items that you work with, including Lawson forms and other tools, that you want them to be open on Lawson Portal when you launch it.
Favorites are special links that you or your system administrator create that you use frequently and want quick access to.
Additional information about how to work with subscriptions is in another section.