
A bookmark is a link to a Lawson component, such as an application, menu, or tool. Your system administrator assigns you the Lawson bookmarks you require to do your job.

Typically, bookmarks are arranged in groups. For example, if you work in the Benefits department of your company, you and your department co-workers might be assigned to a group called "Benefits" that would include bookmarks for the programs within the Human Resources suite that you require to do your job. The Benefits group might also contain bookmarks that everyone in your company has access to, or you might be assigned to an additional general group along with everyone in your company.

Your Lawson Portal administrator, in cooperation with your manager, determines which bookmarks you have access to. After you receive access to a bookmark, it appears in on a list of links that are available for you to use. You can place bookmarks in your "navigation" so that they show in a list of bookmarks available from the toolbar.

Bookmark menu

You can select bookmarks that have been assigned to you to show in a Bookmarks menu. If you have added items to the bookmark menu, it is always available from the toolbar of Lawson Portal.