Working with Print Files

After your report has run and a print file exists, several options are available for working with the print file. You can access these options from the Print Manager link.

You can use the Print Manager link to manage your print files that are produced by report and batch update programs. From the Print Manager form, you can select and then view or print a print file. You can rearrange the list of files in ways that make sense to you and delete files that you no longer require.

For each print file, the form lists the job owner, job name, job description, form ID (token) of the report or batch update parameter form, name of the file produced by the report or batch update program, and the date and time the program produced the file. The timestamps that are shown in Print Manager are based on the time zone currently used in Jobs and Reports.

You can view the output of your report on screen or send a report to a printer. You can also view or print the output in different formats (PDF or text), or export the print file to a CSV file.

Send a Report to a Printer

Use the Print Report dialog box to set up the printing information for a report. When the Lawson system processes the report, it uses the printing information to know which printer to send the report to.

You access the Print Report dialog box by clicking the Print button from Print Manager.

Alternatively, you can click on Quick Print from the Print Manager form toolbar. You can use the Quick Print function to select a single job and submit a copy to your default printer. This option is disabled if two or more jobs are selected. It is also available when viewing individual jobs.

Changing the Print File Format

By default, your report generates output in Text format. You can view and print the report in Adobe's PDF format. You can also export the print file to a CSV formatted file.

When you click Print Manager from the Related Forms drop-down list, a form where you can choose options for the print file is displayed.

Note: The print file default view format is customizable.

When you click the View button from the Report Actions menu, the report itself appears in the content pane with options for changing the display in View Options. In the form clip below, the report is displaying in text format.

The screen clip that follows shows the same report but this time in PDF format. When you choose to view a report in PDF format, Adobe Acrobat opens in the content pane and displays the report in Acrobat. You can make use of all the features (including printing, searching, and so on) that are available from Acrobat.

Distribute a Report

Select one or multiple print files in the list and use the Report Actions button to choose group or user distribution. Use the dialog to distribute your reports to single or multiple recipients.

Using Other Printing Options

Use the Print Report dialog window to set up the printing information for a report. When the Lawson system processes the report, it uses the printing information to know which printer to send the report to.

Use the Printable View printing option to choose font-size and change the font face. This printing option is available in Print Manager, Job Schedule and Job List forms.

Printable View features Description
Font Family

You can use this option to change the font face in your report in Printable View dialog.

Currently these are the supported fonts:

  • Arial (default)

  • Arial Black

  • Courier New

  • Georgia

  • Impact

  • Lucida Console

  • Times New Roman

  • Trebuchet

  • Verdana


You can use this option to change the text size in your report.

You can use the zoom function to control the size from 10% to 200% of the original text size (100%). To increase or decrease the size of text, use the scroll button of Zoom option, or use the up/down arrow keys on your keyboard.

See Another User's Print Files

The Print Manager form shows all available print files for a user. If you have access to the jobs of other users, you can see the print files of those users. Select the user's name from the User Name menu.