Uses of custom scripting
The Lawson Design Studio provides the ability to add custom scripting to a Lawson form or custom page. Customers who have JavaScript expertise can further refine Lawson delivered forms and add enhancements to custom pages.
UI Designer
The UI Designer is a powerful tool for making customizations to Lawson forms. However, without the use of custom scripting, you cannot change the behavior of a form. By enhancing UI Designer modifications with custom scripting, you can usually find a way to customize Lawson forms to meet your needs.
For example, suppose a Lawson application contains two forms that, at your site, are always used together. In addition, both forms contain fields that you do not use at your site. You would like to remove the unused fields and combine the forms into one. Removing fields that you do not need is easy to do with UI Designer. However, UI Designer (without custom script) can only alter existing properties of forms, it cannot combine the two forms (because doing so would involve adding functionality to one of them). With custom scripting you can solve this issue.
Custom Page Designer
JavaScript can be especially useful in adding interactivity to custom pages that have been created with Custom Page Designer.