Examples of customizations
This chapter explains how to use the UI Designer component of the Lawson Design Studio to customize Lawson application forms. The chapter describes only changes that can be made with UI Designer itself; it does not describe changes that require custom scripting.
These are some examples of customizations you can perform with the Lawson Design Studio:
Changing the tabbing order on a form, that is, changing the order which users move through a form when they press the keyboard Tab key.
Removing tabs from a form with multiple tabs
Adding an image or a logo to a form
Removing fields from a form or exposing hidden fields
Changing the selection criteria for a value list or other selection object
Creating a completely new Lawson form. You might want to do this, for example, if a Lawson form has many fields that are not used at your site. You could recreate the form using only the fields you require.
Note: The UI Designer used alone (without making use of JavaScript) can alter only functionality that a form already has. It cannot add functionality. (There are some exceptions to this; that is, some minor functionality can be added through UI Designer. The exceptions are described in the appropriate section of this chapter.)