Choose the Environment to update

  1. Select the radio button for "Select an existing Environment."
  2. In the drop-down list, select the Environment to update and click Next.
  3. On the Install Options screen, select Update and click Next.
    Note: If you see other options besides Update, they mean the following:
    • Reload means that you have already attempted to install an update to the Environment and you now want to try to install it again. If there were problems with the initial update attempt, be sure to correct the problems before you attempt to reload the Environment files.

    • Restart means that your previous install failed to finish. If you have corrected the reason for failure, choose the Restart option to complete the install.

    • Delete means that you have an existing Environment and could delete it through this option. There is no need to use this option as part of the upgrade process.

  4. Review the Installation Summary information. To continue the installation, click Next.

    The installation displays messages to indicate progress.