Upgrade the Lawson Schema

Use this procedure to upgrade the schema to include changes and additions to the RM Objects and RM Attributes data.

To upgrade the Lawson schema

  1. Generate updated schema providing the xml with upgradable meta schema information, with example scripts. At the command line, type

    secupgdschema -f %GENDIR%\system\schemaupgv10.xml

  2. Run ldifgen reading RmMeta_Default.xml from default location, and generate two schemas, "schema.ldif" and "meta_data.ldif".

    ldifgen xmltoschemaldif -k -h LSF901.lpc.lawson.com -p 389 -D CN=lawson,O=lwsn,DC=lpc,DC=lawson,DC=com -w lawsonpw -f schema.ldif -m meta_data.ldif %lawdir%/system/RmMeta_Default.xml

  3. Run imports for schema.ldif and meta_data.ldif. At the command line, type

    For AD LDS:

    ldifde -b AdLDSWindowsAdmin AdLDSWindowsDomain ldapPassword -s ldapServer -t ldapPort -i -f schema.ldif

    ldifde -b AdLDSWindowsAdmin AdLDSWindowsDomain ldapPassword -s ldapServer -t ldapPort -i -f meta_data.ldif

    For IBM Directory Server:

    ldapmodify -D administratorDN -w ldapPassword -p ldapPort -h ldapServer -f schema.ldif -v

    ldapmodify -D administratorDN -w ldapPassword -p ldapPort -h ldapServer -f meta_data.ldif -v

  4. Restart the system to refresh the metadata cache.