Configure Lawson Enterprise Search for the new DSP package
Log in to the LifeCycle Manager as an administrator.
Double-click the LES grid node.
On the Lawson Grid tab, click Configuration Manager.
In the Configuration Manager, click Applications.
Click the deployed application for LES.
Click Edit Properties.
Under the application defined properties, confirm that the DSSO Installation Directory property points to the path of the newly created DSP service.
Add two ad hoc properties for GENDIR and LAWDIR.
To create each property, at the bottom of the Application Properties form, click Add ad hoc Property.
Enter the name of the property (either LAWDIR or GENDIR).
Select String Type as the type.
Click OK.
Click on <empty> and enter the value
Click Save and then the Save button at the top of the properties page.
Repeat for the other ad hoc property.