10.0.11.x Infor Lawson System Foundation Upgrade Overview
This guide describes two different processes for upgrading your 9.0.1.x Infor Lawson System Foundation system to a 10.0.11.x Infor Lawson System Foundation system. One is a "parallel" process and the other is an "in-place" process. Carefully read the descriptions and procedures for the two processes before you decide which process to use.
Parallel Upgrade Process
The parallel upgrade process is an install-and-migrate process where you install a new separate 10.0.11.x Infor Lawson System Foundation system and then migrate data to that system from the 9.0.1.x Infor Lawson System Foundation system.
This guide does not cover upgrading to 10.0.x Lawson applications. Because 9.0.1 Lawson applications are not supported for a 10.0.x Infor Lawson System Foundation, you will need to install the 10.0.x Lawson applications and perform the Lawson application upgrade. Documentation for this is on Infor Concierge in the Infor Product Download Center under Lawson Applications > Lawson Applications - Upgrades.
In-Place Upgrade Process
The in-place upgrade process involves making several preparatory changes to your existing 9.0.1.x Infor Lawson System Foundation system and then applying the 10.0.11.x Infor Lawson System Foundation upgrade directly to the existing Environment.
Which Process to Use?
The two upgrade processes have different advantages and disadvantages.
If you are concerned about the extent of the downtime during the upgrade to your production system or are concerned about risks to your existing data, then the parallel system is the better choice.
If you have limited machine resources such that doing a separate installation is not feasible, you should consider the in-place process.
If you are upgrading a test system, you should consider the in-place process unless you are planning a parallel upgrade for your production system and want to test that scenario using your test system.