Loading Identities for Services

Use this procedure to load the identities for services from the 9.0.1.x Environment.

Load identities for services

  1. In the 10.0.x Environment, change directory to the %LAWDIR%\temp901. This directory should contain the services901.xml file.
  2. Make the following changes to the services901.xml file (you may use a text editor or a text replacement tool such as sed for these changes):
    • Modify any URL references so that they reflect the correct values for the HTTP protocol, server host name, and port of the 10.x system.

    • Change the top line to read as follows: <BATCH_LOAD FORMAT="Opaque" OVERRIDE="true">.

    • Delete all standard SERVICE entries:

      • BPM

      • IOS

      • IOSAdmin

      • LSAdmin

      • SSO

      • SSOP

      • SSOP_BIND (if you're LDAP-bound)

      • PRODLINE_*

      • envName

    • For all IDENTITY elements for the environment service, change the value of their SERVICENAME element so that it matches the name of your environment service in the new 10.0.x Environment.

    • Change the value of the IDENTITY elements for the PRODLINE_* service names to your new product line name, for example, appsprod_EMPLOYEE.

    • Remove the IDENTITY elements where the RDID element value equals SSOP_BIND.

    • For all services remove all IDENTITY elements where the RDID element value equals any of the following:

      • lawson

      • lsadm

      • PFADMIN

      • lsuser

      • *_system

  3. Save the file when the changes are complete.
  4. At the command line type

    ssoconfig -c

  5. Enter the password for ssoconfig when prompted.
  6. Enter the number for Manage Lawson Services.
  7. Enter the number for Load service and identity file.
  8. Enter services901.xml when prompted for the file name.).
  9. Enter the number for Exit.