packageapp - Create an application package

Customers can use this utility to create CTP-like packages that can be installed using lawappinstall. This is a way to copy code between product lines.

To run packageapp: perl %GENDIR%\bin\packageapp [-f] [-i] [-q] [-v] [-s] [-S] [-l]

Options available for use with packageapp:
Option Description
f Force. Overwrites existing package file if found.
i Invokes. Include invoked programs.
q Quiet. No output.
v Verbose. Verbose output.
s SysCode. Packages system code only, no programs.
S SysCode. Packages all programs for system code.
l Packages a given list of files (relative to Productline dir).
The packageapp utility requires two arguments. One must be productline. The second is program (name of the program only, no option letter), system code (-s plus system code name), all programs in a system code (-S plus system code name) or list (-l plus the name of the list file).
  • Productline: Name of product line
  • Program: Name of program
  • SysCode: Name of system code
  • ListFile: Name of a file containing a list of files.
Usage examples:
  • Package a specfic program, in this case, CU01: perl %GENDIR%\bin\packageapp apps CU01
  • Package an individual system code, in this case, IF: perl %GENDIR%\bin\packageapp -S apps IF
  • Package a list of files: perl %GENDIR%\bin\packageapp -l apps list.txt

After the command completes successfully and a package exists, use lawappinstall to install the package to the new location. lawappinstall - Application Installation