dmpappmsg - Dump Application Messages

dmpappmsg [-b] [-n] [-x] [-c Category] [-m Module] [-l Language [-t]] [[-i] InputListFile] Dumpfile Productline [systemcode]

Create an ASCII text file containing application messages for a product line.

For more information, see Lawson Administration: Translation.

Program Option Description
-b Dump blank lines for documentation generation.
-n Dump non-program related messages.
-x Dump only messages that are marked for translation through the Message Maintenance utility (msgmnt).
-c Dump messages for this category. Cannot be used with the -n option, the -m option, or a system code.
-m Process system module only.
-l Dump messages in this language.
-t Dump non-translated messages in this language.
-i InputListFile Dump only category/errors found in the input list file. If you use this option, the -n, -c , -m, and -b are ignored. The line format for the InputListFile is: category, [errornbr]